Saturday, March 12, 2011

More trouble on the street

Today when I went into town for some shopping, I happened upon another scene of devastation on the main street of Mazabuka. Apparently a truck with failed brakes came careening down the hill towards the Shoprite, hit a bus and then flipped on its side before coming to rest in a series of storefronts along the main street. When I got there, a heavy piece of machinery was set up to drag the truck out of the way. It was more or less spinning its wheels.

There was plenty of debris around since the truck had wiped out several pillars from the colonnade along the storefronts. My thoughts also leapt to the fact that usually several informal salespeople are stationed directly outside those stores. I understand from another resident that two of the fruit sellers were injured but that nobody was killed in the accident.  This is all quite alarming... let's get crackin' on that by-pass road folks!

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, that bypass road must be built. Hope no one was seriously injured.
