Apparently, some folks have waiting patiently for the "last installment" of my blog. Since I've had such loyal followers, I figure I'd better not disappoint! I do apologize for taking so long to put up these details on the site.
Before I proceed however, I thought I might share that within the first few weeks of returning to Canada, it was almost as though I'd wakened from a long and vivid dream. I knew I'd done something extraordinary, but I felt a bit disoriented and actually had a hard time remembering some of the people and places that I'd visited. A very strange phenomenon to be sure. Fortunately the "amnesia" has faded and I now feel comfortable writing about the experience.
Obviously, leaving Mazabuka was not an easy process since it meant saying goodbye to good friends and colleagues from the past year and handing over the project. Though in the beginning it seemed as though I had lots of time, by the end it was impossible to believe it was over.
There were a few major leaving events, not the least of which was a braii hosted by Rob and me at our house. Earlier in the day, I introduced the game of Ultimate Frisbee which went over very well. Recent reports from friends indicate that weekend pickup games of Ultimate Frisbee continue on the local athletic calendar. I only wish that I'd had the thought to introduce the game earlier. To my great disappointment, the Sunday afternoon frisbee gang here in Ottawa that I so looked forward to rejoining has disbanded!
For the braii, thanks to the typical generosity and creativity of friends, we all enjoyed an exquisite buffet of foods. Friends came from Lusaka, Choma and Chipata (and Mazabuka of course) to send me off. I received some lovely presents too: among them a beautiful elephant print chitenge, an elephant business card holder, a gorgeous batik tablecloth, a wallet and coffee, a USB stick loaded with photos, and some small sacks of Zambian staple foods (nshima, coffee, sugar), and a customized Mazabuka Party People wall plaque (to be seen to be believed).
Fun loving VSO's in town for the party: Ben, Dan, Sarah, Helen, (me), and Rob |
Another feast! |
Sharing a fun moment with Mubiana! |
A mischievous trio: Victoria, Lweendo and me. |
Barbara's unique sense of humour: to wrap a USB flash drive in umpteen layers of paper. I do very much appreciate the photos! :-) |
My elephant print chitenge. |
Among my circle of Zambian and European friends however, football trumps everything. For the night of the braii, I was duly forewarned that the eating part had to be pretty much done by 9 p.m. so that the football aficionados (i.e. everyone) could go and watch the European Football Finals. Just about everyone poured out of the house en masse to go and watch the game at Marco's house.
Enthralled by the football action! |
Relaxing with Ennie and Pami at Marco's |
Enjoying a fun moment with Ian. |
Gathering around the screen gave Victoria the perfect opportunity to show her wonderfully extraordinary slide show recapping my year in Zambia, set to the Black Eyed Peas' remix of Time of Your Life. Was it ever the time of my life! My eyes were definitely not dry at the end of the slide show.
The next day, Rob and I hosted a tea with Stella and her family. It was tough to say goodbye to such a great family. Stella's daughter Yumbe presented me with a lovely apron she'd made for my mom. Naturally my mom was astonished when I passed along Yumbe's gift!
In the garden with Yumbe, Suwilanji, Stella and Rebecca. |
The night before I left town, the Mazabuka Municipal Council threw a fun cocktail party to thank me and send me off in style. We all gathered at the Council-run motel for some nibbles, drinks and some rather wild dancing! The program included speeches by the Acting Town Clerk, the Director of Planning and yours truly. Everyone in attendance was also given the opportunity to say a few words - I was truly honoured, humbled and even humoured by the many anecdotes my Council friends related during the evening. I was presented with more lovely gifts, including a copper serving tray, a decorative ceramic plate, and a card. My hand never seemed to be left without a cold beer either!
A farewell photos with Collins, the Socio-Economic Planner. |
A farewell photo with Chibinga, the Rural Water and Sanitation Officer. |
Basil and Mr. Nyoni enjoying the party. |
Delivering my speech and words of thanks. |
Enjoying a moment with Mubiana and Mary. |
Enjoying a moment with Collins and Mr. Hanyati. |
Dancing the night away! |
A decorative plate of Africa. |
Well wishes! |
On the final night before flying home, I gathered the Lusaka based crowd (about 20 of us!) the VSO's favourite Indian restaurant, Mahak's, for one last super-delicious, super-cheap, all-you-can-eat vegetarian thali. This is food I now very much miss.
All smiles with Ilene... one of the fine people I met in training. |
Evelyn and Ben showing off the magnetic hippo they were about to give me. |
Virtually family: Helen and Dan. |
A lively bunch! |
Much more importantly than any food or any physical locales are the people who, in the benevolent conspiracy that is life, made my experience in Zambia so varied, rich, gratifying and loving. I miss all of you very much and hope that we will again cross paths in the not distant future. Twalumba!
"I'm leaving on a jet plane... don't know when I'll be back again..." Hopefully not long! :-) |